Pearl Jam play Beacon Theater for Charity

You may have already noticed this about me, but I'll go ahead and admit that I often refrain from blogging about events/ shows, etc. that I cannot attend because it breaks my heart to even think about them. If you'll notice, I blogged very little about the Eddie Vedder solo tour for this very reason. Anyway, I'm gonna tell you now about a small charity show in NY, that I cannot attend, though it makes me ill to even think about. *sniffle*
Pearl Jam, revered philathropists, will be playing another charity show, this time to benefit The Robinhood Foundation, on July 1st at New York's Beacon Theater. After a $100 donation to the foundation, which "targets poverty in New York City by finding and funding the best and most effective programs and partnering with them to mazimize results", donors are able to purchase a maximum of 6 tickets to the show for $250 each. I'm sure this will be an amazing show, and for a good cause, but I can't swing that kind of dough- not at this stage in my life, and certainly not after Bonnaroo and 7 additional Pearl Jam shows (I just added the Hartford, CT show to my roster). Those who are able to attend will be recipients of my whole hearted envy on July 1st.
Ok, thats the last you'll hear from me about this show. I must go dry my eyes...
Labels: Beacon Theater, Pearl Jam, Robinhood Foundation