According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Step Brothers: The answer to my prayers!

Last night I finally watched Walk Hard, starring John C. Reilly, and also featuring a super fantastic cameo by Eddie Vedder (I watched that part 3 times), and I must say that I very much enjoyed the film as a whole! I really like John C. Reilly, and I found myself likening him to my favorite cuddly funny man Will Ferrell. I actually said "ya, know those two could totally be brothers!"

So this morning, I get to work, and I opened IMDB to do some work-related research, and right there, on the front page, there was a trailer for a movie called Step Brothers, starring none other than Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly! The movie comes out July 25th, and this is the first I've heard of it. I watched the trailer, and laughed so hard I watched it 3 more times! I cannot wait for this movie to come out. If you don't think the trailer is funny, there is something seriously wrong with you! (ok, that was harsh, but what I'm trying to say is that I REALLY dig this sort of humor, and these dudes tickle me beyond comprehension!)

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