Giant Telescope from Brooklyn to London
I cannot fully comprehend this situation, but apparently after over 100 years of construction, a giant trans-atlantic telescope has been completed which allows someone to stand in Brooklyn, and look directly inside the giant lens to people in London....and WAVE! You know those periscope things that let you look around the corner with mirrors? I'm thinking its something like that maybe? (If that was a really stupid comment, I apologize! We creative types don't tend to understand the sciences.) *UPDATE: I am not the best investigative journalist! I posted the link to the full article on this "exhibit" and only skimmed it myself. Had I read further I would have discovered BEFORE trekking out to DUMBO to see the thing in person, that its just an art exhibit. Yeah, you can see London in real time, alright. But its obviously just cameras. I was super disappointed, because I honestly wanted to believe this was possible. I guess it's pretty cool nonetheless. I did witness a British family (half on the Brooklyn side, half on the London side) on the phone and waving to each other. Yes, I am quite gullible :(

Read all about it on CNN here.
"As the first splinters of sunlight spread their warmth on the south bank of the River Thames this morning, it became clear that after more than a century, the vision of Victorian engineer Alexander Stanhope St. George had finally been realized.
In all its optical brilliance and brass and wood, there stood the Telectroscope -- an 11.2 meter (37 feet)long by 3.3 meter (11 feet) tall dream of a device allowing people on one side of the Atlantic to look into its person-size lens and, in real time, see those on the other side via a recently completed tunnel running under the ocean. (Think 19th century Webcam. Or maybe Victorian-age video phone.)"
The Telectroscope will be on display and open to the public 24 hours a day in London and New York until June 15. Artichoke is arranging requests to synchronize special reunions between friends and family or, the company hopes, maybe even a marriage proposal.
More info at the telectroscope official website

Read all about it on CNN here.
"As the first splinters of sunlight spread their warmth on the south bank of the River Thames this morning, it became clear that after more than a century, the vision of Victorian engineer Alexander Stanhope St. George had finally been realized.
In all its optical brilliance and brass and wood, there stood the Telectroscope -- an 11.2 meter (37 feet)long by 3.3 meter (11 feet) tall dream of a device allowing people on one side of the Atlantic to look into its person-size lens and, in real time, see those on the other side via a recently completed tunnel running under the ocean. (Think 19th century Webcam. Or maybe Victorian-age video phone.)"
The Telectroscope will be on display and open to the public 24 hours a day in London and New York until June 15. Artichoke is arranging requests to synchronize special reunions between friends and family or, the company hopes, maybe even a marriage proposal.
More info at the telectroscope official website
Labels: Brooklyn, London, telectroscope