According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Thursday, May 24, 2007


HO-LEE-SH!T!! I just finished watching last night's LOST season finale and I'm pretty sure the bomb dropping 2-hour episode gave me a brain tumor! I cannot believe how many significant, mind blowing events they executed this episode. It seems, however, with every question they answered, they raised two even more important questions! WARNING: DO NOT CONTINUE READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!
I'm not going to give you a well organized, all inclusive play by play because THIS ARTICLE, on does a pretty good job of that. I will, however, give you my personal input of course!
First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hurley! My favorite line from the whole episode is after Hurley runs over one of the others with the van, and they rescue Sayid, Jin, and Bernard. He calls Jack on the walkie and Jack asks if everyone is alive. Hurley says "I told you dude, I saved em all!" See! And everyone told him he'd just get in the way because he's too fat! Pssshhhh! I love you, Hurley!
Ok, and what about Rousseau and Alex meeting for the first time, then 10 seconds later being all good. No questions. No tears. Just, "hey, sure you're my mom. Ok, whatever." (those are not direct quotes, but you get the idea) That was weird.
I have to admit that I cried when Charlie "drowned". I use quotation marks because I can never be certain of anything I am lead to believe on LOST. Charlie could turn up alive next season, and I am really hoping that he does. I like the little fella! Before lights out, Charlie was able to receive a shout out from Desmond's girl, Penny, who doesn't know Naomi by the way, and has no boat in the vicinity! Courageous Charlie, scrawls "Not Pennys boat" onto his hand seconds before he is engulfed in water and presses his hand against the window for Des to read in his dramatic last seconds of life. Hell yeah!
How about Locke being alive, and then crippled, and then ok again!? Annnnd, what about a suddenly pubescent Walt appearing to tell Locke to basically stop being a pussy and go save the day? He has magically aged about 2 years, gotten a fade, and a new shirt, and he's going all Oracle on us again! Sweeeeet!
And now for the biggest brain buster of it all: This "flashback" that we think we're watching throughout the episode where a bearded drugged up Jack flips out about an obituary, tried to commit suicide, then later meets up with a cleaned up Kate is actually supposed to be THE FUTURE! Apparently, they made it off the island somehow but Jack realizes that leaving was a terrible mistake and he needs to get back! WTF?!?!
Thank you, LOST people for making me crazy this afternoon, and for making up for a cluster of sub-par episodes this season. You have succeeded in hooking me into another season! Now, what on earth am I supposed to do until the new season starts in 2008??
Oy! Here's a fantastic pic of my man, Hurley, just cuz. Word.
