According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lady Sovereign is a weirdo

Word on the street is that Lady Sovereign completely flipped her lid at Studio B over the weekend, playing only two songs (half-assed), then telling the crowd about her money problems, depression, and disinterest in doing the show, before walking off stage all together.

Read THIS BLOG for an eye witness account. Is she even famous enough to be throwing this type of tantrum and acting all bruised by the system?? We've already got a rapper filling Da Brat role here in the States, Lady. Take your snotty 'tude back across the ocean, mmmm-kay! Anyway, here's a video of some of her WAHH WAAAAHH routine at Studio B.

In case you were wondering what she's famous for, this is Lady Sovereign's video for "Love Me or Hate Me"

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