According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Monday, April 09, 2007

1. If you were born and raised in New Jersey, it is NEVER acceptable to speak with any sort of foreign accent. I understand being in touch with your heritage and all that crap, and even pronouncing certain proper nouns, such as family names, with an authentic flare to acknowledge the cultural origin of the name, but to roll your Rs and use an accent when speaking regular ordinary English sentences is just weird. Don't do it. You sound silly. I really don't care where your parents were born. You're in the good old U.S.A now. Sorry.

2. When I refer to "chocolate cake" I am, of course, referring to chocolate batter AND chocolate frosting! "Chocolate cake" is simply not as decadent in a chocolate sort of way, if there is some other type of frosting on it. This should be obvious. I love all cake, but when I'm on a chocolate bender, I like to slap myself in the face with the chocolate, ya know what I mean? Ok, so we understand each other. By the way, I want you all to know that after a 40-day hiatus from chocolate, I reunited with my love very early Sunday morning with some fudge. I have to say that those few moments with the fudge were pure sensory bliss, like I have never experienced. I'm sure the witnesses can attest to the extent to which I enjoyed said chocolate. Mmmmmmm...

3. In 1993, Eddie Vedder performed Break on Through, and Light My Fire, with the surviving members of The Doors for the 1993 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction. Mr. Vedder does a pretty badass Mr. Mojo Risin! Those are some seriously big shoes to fill, and I think Eddie rose to the occasion and knocked one out of the park for rock fans of all generations. See the YouTube clip below!