According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Monday, January 08, 2007

Thank you!

Well, thats it, the end of my days as a 26-year-old. Big ups and many thanks to the several awesome people who made this birthday spectacular! I love you all, and despite the brief emotional breakdown that comes with the territory (I am severely opposed to aging), I really did have an amazing birthday! I love you all- thanks for singing with me, buying me Magnolia cupcakes, drinking with me, laying in bed with me and watching Barbarella, sharing in mom's home made sphaghetti, calling and singing to me......A girl couldn't couldn't ask for better company as she skates dangerously close to an age which starts with a 3 (gulp). Im so lucky :)
Here's a few shots of me being a mic hog at Second on Second Saturday night. If anyone has more pics from the weekend, please share! As you can see, I was a little too busy to play photographer :)