According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Monday, December 04, 2006

Since when is YOUR bottom more important than mine, huh? This morning I was standing on the subway (I didn't even make an attempt to sit) but there was clearly space available on the bench in front of me for someone else to have a seat. A woman was sitting on the dividing line of two seats (see my rough illustration below) and was spewing over into a third seat with her large purse, effectively monopolizing THREE seats by herself. When another woman attempted to politely say "excuse me", with a smile, and squeeze herself into the seat that was the least occupied by the sprawling woman, she was given one of the nastiest looks I have ever seen. The only thing that would have justified such a look is if a random person were to come up to her table at a fancy restaurant, burp loudly, blow it in her face, then steal the steak off her plate with dirty grubby hands laughing wildly like a maniac.

Why are people so snotty sometimes? I'm not necessarily a morning person myself, but I certainly don't give people dirty looks for no reason at all. The last dirty look I gave in the morning, was more of an "FYI" to a fellow commuter. Some man had stopped at the top of the busy rush hour subway stairway to do God knows what, but was causing a frustrating back up for no apparent reason. I happened to be late for something (as usual) and as I pushed myself past this inconsiderate man, I simply suggested: "This is not an appropriate place to stand, Sir!" Is that so bad? By informing him of his obvious mistake, I may have saved him a good shoving or two from some less courteous commuters. Eh, its cheaper than driving, and I can sleep on the way to work, so I'll choose the MTA- inconsiderate oversized grumps and all- anyday!