According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Thursday, September 28, 2006

This makes ME look normal

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So, Im chatting with my cousin today about nonsense as usual when he asked me if I knew what a "furry" was. "Ok", I thought, this is totally a set up for something completely absurd so I took the bait- "Is it a wool sweater?" (I knew this was NOT the answer he was looking for).

He then goes on to tell me about this fellow he goes to school with who wears wolf T-shirts every day (the kind you might find at a rest stop, he tells me) and openly professes his fondness of dressing in large furry animal suits, similar to mascot costumes. He tells me they have conventions where thousands of these "furries" gather to be furry together (God can only imagine what sort of visual this thought elicits).

I called BS, and he sends me a link to validate the furries. To my horror/amusement, THIS is what I discovered after further research:

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"Members of the furry fandom, known as furry fans, furries, or furs, particularly enjoy media that includes fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics"

"Other furries enjoy wearing their suits for parades, exhibitions, or conventions. Oftentimes these are of a personal character who they are expressing as a form of role play. The fursuiter may consider themselves to be expressing who they really are. These fursuiters may also wear their suits to small, informal meetings among furry fans in their area."

And now for the TMI that is sure to send you screaming down the halls of your office or straight to the nearest costume store, depending on your personal level of obscenity and/or mental illness:

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"A portion of the furry fandom exists that considers a fursuit a sexual item. Some fursuits are sold with or modified to contain provisions for sexual activity, such as openings, removable panels, and anatomically correct artificial genitalia."

Well, how about that?

Thanks, Nick. I'm sure to have furry nightmares now.