According to Talia

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Monday, September 25, 2006

its cool to kick

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This weekend Beth and I went to Massachusetts to visit "Boston Bobby" in not quite Boston. While Bobby golfed on Saturday, Beth and I whizzed around the golf course on a John Deer with drinks completing a raucus 14 hour drinking fete which ended very sloppily at a bar in Boston, where (I am told) we saw a Pearl Jam cover band. I remember having a super fun time, but of course, I embarassed myself by AGAIN attempting to kick a stranger in the head! Sorry everyone, has anyone seen my self control? Really? No? Ok, then how about my maturity or dignity? Let me know if it turns up ok?

Anyway, this morning I found this footage of Lindsay Lohan attempting to karate kick the air, on what appears to be a night of drunkeness.....All the cool people drink heavily and kick like a lunatic into the air....I swear!

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