According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Screech gets dirrrrty!

Normal grown-ups probably don't have the time or the interest in scouring the interweb for absurd and disturbing celebrity gossip, so I, being neither normal nor grown up, will do it for you! You're welcome :)

I was reading Perez Hilton today, and discovered this juicy piece (forgive the pun when you read on):

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Dustin Diamond, formerly of Saved By the Bell, has reportedly made a sex tape which, of course, is currently being shopped to porn tycoons. NY Daily News reports...

"Everyone who remembers Diamond as a lovable putz is in for a shock once they see a 40-minute video in which he engages in a kinky three-way with two women, sources tell us.
We can't get too graphic here, but word is that the action includes some bodily functions and an act known as a "Dirty Sanchez."

I bet Lisa Turtle is pissed that she never gave the dork a chance back in school because obviously he has developed into quite a class act! Or not....