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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Jibber Jabber

I haven't had anything truly exciting to post lately, but I thought I had better post something or you would all think I was missing or something, right? Oh. Anyway...

Reminder: Into the Wild Soundtrack to be released September 18, movie in theaters Sept 21

I've listened to a few tracks from the Into The Wild Soundtrack (aka Eddie Vedder's first solo album) and I have to say that Guaranteed and Long Nights nearly brought me to tears. Some of you will understand what that man's voice does to me but I can only describe my reaction to the low Eddie groan-like drawl in the following way:

My heart expands, my throat grows a lump, my eyes water, my pulse quickens, my breaths become deeper, and a part of me melts into my seat. His voice is that of an angel. I hope he knows that.

Anyhoo, you can pre-order the soundtrack bundle now from TenClub, and you'll get a T-shirt for like $5. Its not all that attractive, but hey, its a $5 T-shirt. Pre-sale ends on 9/11.

Ramblings about Times Square:
Now that I work in the heart of Times Square, and have to commute through it every morning and evening, I have a few comments I'd like to share.

Times Square should not be open to tourists until at least 10AM, when all of us working citizens are safely at our desks. Further, tourists must be asked to leave between 11:30 and 1:30 to allow workers in the area to access food at lunchtime. Likewise, the sidewalks should be cleared from 5-7pm so we can get to the subway from our offices without cursing the lives of tourists or punching innocent babies out of frustration. What's to see here anyway that you can't see on any episode of Taxi Cab Confessions, Law and Order, or countless other TV shows and movies. Ya might as well just stay in your hotel room, snack from the mini bar, and watch The View on the boob tube. I think we'd all be happier. Have I made myself clear?

The streets in Times Square always smell like vomit. Are there really that many people that actually vomit in the streets around here, or is it just that the discarded food and beverages ferment and churn in the gut of the city, thereby releasing a vomit-esque odor? Either way, its gross, but it helps to curb one's appetite if you're lookin to lose a few "el bees". Oh, and the creamy brown puddles that look like spilled coffee at every street corner are not actually spilled coffee. They're something far more foul and rancid. Think about how the blended cow balls on Fear Factor kinda resemble a strawberry milkshake from our living rooms. Same idea. Steer clear.

I bet those guys that drive the rickshaws have really bad back problems. Have you ever seen the type of people that pay for those rides? They're usually slothy overweight tourists with 46 shopping bags filled with ridiculously overpriced trinkets and baubles from gift shops and street vendors. Who doesn't need a 3-foot sign with a hand painted panda snuggling "your name" scribed in Chinese characters? How do you know thats really your name anyway? It probably says "Sucker"! if it doesn't then it certainly should. If you ever see someone with one of these paintings hanging in their room, you should seriously question their judgment. And then throw a tomato at them Fozzie Bear style. Yeah, I said it. "Wocka wocka wocka!"

Happy Thursday, suckas!