Monday, March 28, 2005
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaak!
Don't fret, I'm back to do more postings! I have been away on vacation in sunny beautiful Naples, Florida. There will be pictures to follow. I don't have time to provide any witty antics, as I'm in class, but I'd like to throw up a BIG "HOLLA" at my boys on the Michigan State Men's Basketball Team for making it to the final four! The women's team is also doing mighty fine, and has made it to the elite 8 so far! Go Green, Go White, GO STATE!!!
Friday, March 18, 2005

The Saint Patrick's Day festivities began innocently enough. I was simply supposed to stop by Reade Street to meet Justin and Rebecca for 1 beer, then head to class. Look I have my backpack on and everything. You can't persuade me to stay, nope no sir-ee I mean business! Things rarely ever seem to go as planned, as you well know.........

So, our plan really didn't work out. We left Reade Street with a healthy buzz and decided it would be a great idea to pour beer into coffee cups and take them to our class, albeit 45 minutes late. As we were walking in the door to school, we ran into our Professor who said he had to cancel class because noone showed up! Oops! No problem, we'll just go to Buster's and get cool hats to wear.

These two were goin at it all night long. This isn't even the worst of it. They were fondling, and moving around and laying in each other's laps. It was a disgusting display, and the funniest part was that I was blatently snapping shot after shot, just to see if they would look up. Every time the flash went off, however I would hurry up and flip the camera around and strike a pose as if I were taking pictures of myself. Ahh, the things drunk people find amusing!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Eye of the Tiger!
Maybe its just me but whenever I hear Eye of the Tiger, by Survivor, no matter what it is that I'm doing or how I'm feeling I get pumped! Now, pumped for what? That all depends. For instance I am now sitting at my desk calculating an Estate expense report, and miraculously, what was soooo incredibly and mind numbingly boring just 30 seconds ago is now like: "YEE-AH! I'm gonna DO these percentages! MAN I am sooooo badass at typing these numbers into the calculator! "Rising up to the challenge of our RIIIIIVAAAAALS!!" (fist pumping) YEAH!...Is that weird? Is it just me?
Sunday, March 13, 2005

Death by accounting. This is an evil trick at NYLS. Its called the Pass/Fail accounting for lawyers class. But Im gonna let the secret out- EVERYONE PASSES! Don't stress out (like I did), because in the history of this class, noone has failed. Oh, he'll tell you that you should worry about your midterm and final, and it will sound pretty convincing, but don't believe him. Just show up, play solitaire, and get your big fat P on your report card.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Tax Class...This is what I do during class. This is the reason that my grades this semester are going to suck. Its a shame that noone in my tax class, other than the people that sit directly behind me will ever appreciate this stunning likeness of my professor as he teaches. I will add that while I was constructing this masterpiece, I got called on in class and I said "Yeah...I wasn't paying attention", without looking up at all, and caused the professor to move on to someone who wasn't immortalizing him via MS Paint!
Monday, March 07, 2005

So I was sitting on R the train on Friday night going from work to school and I notice out of the corner of my eye that there is a guy drawing pictures of people. His hand is moving a mile a minute and he's able to whip up skeches of people in like 3 minutes. So I looked over my shoulder to watch him and realized that he was drawing me. He started and finished this picture between Rector and Canal. That's only 3 stops! Pretty close likeness, no?

This is Kelly's boyfriend Brian. Although he's a good looking kid, he is actually not the intended subject of this picture. Put on your glasses and draw your attention to the bar tender in the background. I know it's hard to tell, but the dude was a dead ringer for Nick Nolte! I'm talkin straight up Prince of Tides here. Thanks for the decoy Brian!
Thursday, March 03, 2005
I am starting a new feature of this blog: Translation of popular songs. Too frequently artists release songs with lyrics that are in dire need of translation, and I would like to do the world a favor, and provide that translation. You'll see what I mean....
Translation #1: Love Don't Cost a Thing, by J-Lo
Think you gotta keep me iced you don't
Think I wanna spend your cash I won't
Even if you were broke, my love don't cost a thing
Think I wanna drive your Benz I don't
If I wanna floss I got my own
Even if you were broke, my love don't cost a thing
Hey, idiots, I've come a long way since Anaconda and Money Train!
I've been able to trick poor little Hispanic children into thinking I can sing
I've sold so many of my lame CDs to poor kids in the Brox that I can use a diamond studded tooth brush in the morning!
I would never in a million years date a poor guy, but did I mention that I'm rich!
Stay tuned for more
Translation #1: Love Don't Cost a Thing, by J-Lo
Think you gotta keep me iced you don't
Think I wanna spend your cash I won't
Even if you were broke, my love don't cost a thing
Think I wanna drive your Benz I don't
If I wanna floss I got my own
Even if you were broke, my love don't cost a thing
Hey, idiots, I've come a long way since Anaconda and Money Train!
I've been able to trick poor little Hispanic children into thinking I can sing
I've sold so many of my lame CDs to poor kids in the Brox that I can use a diamond studded tooth brush in the morning!
I would never in a million years date a poor guy, but did I mention that I'm rich!
Stay tuned for more