Strictly for Nintendo games

I was dealing with a minor malfunction with my laptop the other day and I started thinking. Remember when your "toys" could be fixed really easily by home remedies? Like, you could slap some electrical tape or Elmer's glue on your bauble of the day, and PRESTO! IT was good as new. OR, remember when you could fix whatever was wrong with your nintendo game by blowing inside either the game cartridge or the machine or both! Yup, one swift puff of the cheeks and VOILA, mario was getting sucked back into those green tubes like WHAT! Whatever happened to those days huh? Wouldn't it be nice if you could fix things today just by blowing on them. Imagine it, taking your car into the mechanic..."hey, uh, my car is making some strange noises and um, metal parts fly out when I drive. You think you can take a look and see what the problem is?" And imagine the mechanic opens up the hood, takes in a good strong pull of fresh air and empties his lungs on the inside of your vehicle! Nope, not gonna do the job this time! Or better yet, lets say we females go to the gynocologist...."Doc, I really don't know what's wrong. I've got some cramping and uh, I'm 3 weeks late. You think you can tell me what's wrong?" NOW, imagine the doctor straps you in, hoists your fanny up, spreads em wide and puffs his cheeks into your hidey hole! NOW, THAT SURE AINT FIXIN NOTHIN!.................It must just work for Nintendo
At 9:27 PM ,
Matt Black said...
At 10:03 PM ,
Talia said...
At 10:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
At 12:09 PM ,
Matt Black said...