According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Monday, December 15, 2008

Pearl Jam Ten for Rock Band

So, um...apparently 2009 is going to be the year of Ten...AGAIN! Rumors are buzzing around the interwebs that in March Rock Band will be coming out with a Pearl Jam, Ten edition!

That's right kids, soon you and your friends can pretend you ARE Pearl Jam, and play Ten from start to finish! It appears that all this merch hype is a way to stall and keep all of us ferocious fans that are foaming at the mouth busy while we wait for Pearl Jam to release it's 9th studio album. The boys are in the studio, and by the time our credit cards are maxed and our homes are filled with stick man hoodies and beautiful box sets, it will be time to buy tour tickets!! AAAhhhhhh!!!

What do normal people get excited about?


"Pearl Jam helped to define grunge, though many current-day gamers were just being born at the time. Now, Pearl Jam is reissuing its classic release, Ten, with the help of Rock Band. The Rock Band Music Store will release day-and-date with a broader reissue on March 24th, according to MTV Games unit Harmonix. Already, Rock Band 2 gamers have access to the track "Alive," though fans will soon be able to broaden their Pearl Jam play-along."

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