CMJ Music Marathon

Hello! I thought I should mention that this week is CMJ week in NYC, which means that in addition to working ridic hours, I will also be trying to run around town and catch some of today's best in college and indie rock bands. There are lots of showcases, lots of parties, and LOTS OF BANDS to see, but I've chosen a few flyers to pass on to you, as they were passed on to me by friends.
Also, this Friday is the NYSBA Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law Association's fall meeting and CMJ CLE program, which just happens to be my favorite lawyerly event of the year! This year I am not only attending the program, but I've also volunteered, so its even cooler for me (my name is in the program)! Anyway, I don't have time to tell you which are the best buzz bands this year, so you'll just have to check out the full schedule at
Labels: CMJ