An Inappropriate Conversation about Muppets

Today a somewhat insane train of thought crept into my brain. A co-worker described her friend's boyfriend as resembling a muppet. I took this comment more seriously than it was intended, obviously, because I started to think about what it might be like to actually date a muppet. Kermit would give me a fat complex fer sher! I mean, just look at those arms! I need a man thats bigger than me.
Then I thought: Hey Rowlf is certainly a much preferable option! I mean, he's cute and cuddly and musically inclined! He's even hairier than me (also a pre-requisite)! And now that I think about it, he was one of the more pleasant characters among the muppets, and come to think of it, he sorta reminds me of Jim James from My Morning Jacket. So I took a chance and posed the ridiculous issue to my friend, Yael, who just happens to be in love with Jim James. The following IM conversation ensued:
talia: ok so a co-worker was telling me that her friend's boyfriend looks like a jim hensen character...
Yael: OH MAN
talia: and I was like "is it at least a cute one?"
talia: and then I said: "Kermit would give me a fat complex but Rowlf is actually pretty hot"
talia: he plays music (piano)
Yael: rowlf is awesome
talia: he's fun, hairy- a real guy's guy
Yael: agreed!!!!
talia: so then I thought, maybe Jim James reminds me of Rowlf a bit
Yael: awwwwwwww
Yael: that is awesome
talia: hairy and musically inclined and cute
Yael: hmmm, i have to think about this one for a minute
Yael: oh man. rowlf doesnt have enough hair
talia: what do you mean?! he is ALL hair!
Yael: but not shagggy!!!!!
talia: yeah, kinda

talia: Rowlf is totally hot!
talia: I would sooo date Rowlf
Yael: ugh... me too for sure
Yael: yes.. no question
talia: haha
Yael: i am hoping
talia: there is something seriously wrong with us, by the way
Yael: something is wrong with us?! how do you figure?
talia: we want to date Rowlf!
Yael: so? hes nice... and kind...and musical...and attractive
Yael: do you need to slap me? what is going on here?
talia: haha. hilarious. you dont need to convince me that Rowlf is a suitable mate
talia: Im on board, but
talia: I do fear that "others" might find us to be a little off our rockers!
talia: I feel like he was always pretty level headed too
Yael: i agree. voice of reason
talia: like whenever there was a crisis he'd just figure out a way to use music to fix everything
talia: thats MY kinda guy!
talia: ya know, I just MIGHT be in love with Rowlf!
Yael: im a little serious though
talia: Im totally serious! thats whats so funny!
Yael: i mean as serious as i could be about being in love with a muppet
talia: hahhaha I know! believe me, I get it!
talia: as far as musican muppets go, I would take Rowlf over Animal. Animal seems irresponsible
talia: not a very good communicator
Yael: you know, i would say that except
talia: I couldn't bring him home to my family
Yael: patrick hallahan (of My Morning Jacket) is Animal. they even call him Animal
talia: ohhh right
Yael: and patrick is a major part of that band so, i am inclined to think differently about Animal
talia: Ok, you can date Animal.
Labels: Jim James, Muppets, My Morning Jacket, Rowlf