According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lets Make Out!

When I heard an electro punk group of raucous Brit boys had a song called "Lets Make Out", I just had to check give it a listen! The band, named Does It Offend You, Yeah? (after a Ricky Gervais line from the British Office), are featured in the current issue of Rolling Stone, and are described as "an obnoxious, dizzying, perfectly of-the-moment blend of Daft Punk, Justice and a little Rage Against the Machine".

I love their energy, their silly lyrics, and of course their British accents! Listen to them on myspace or their official website. Their album, You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into, dropped in the UK this week, and is also available on itunes.

NY locals can see Does It Offend You at Highline on May 16, and at Southpaw on May 17.

Lets Make Out!

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