According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Great idea, TERRIBLE tag line!

I was just watching TV, and caught the end of a Tampax commercial, which actually has a really great intention, but probably the WORST tag line I have ever heard!

Without getting into details, basically Tampax has decided to donate a portion of their profits to helping young women in Africa- GREAT CAUSE, right? Right!

My beef is with the last line of the commercial- you know, the line that, in all commercials, is supposed to stick in your head, get you thinking about the product, and hopefully incite you to purchase said product next time you the market for such an item.

Tampax's powerful, searing and persuasive hum-dinger is...wait for it....


Dude. Seriously? You want me to use my what?! What fancy-suited big whig, signed the approval to that mind-blowing pitch and was actually like "Yes! I want the women of America to USE their periods! For GOOD!" I'll tell you who: a man.

Brilliant, just brilliant!

CLICK HERE to learn more about Proctor and Gamble's campaign to help young women in Africa.