According to Talia

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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Dirty Flintstones Hypo

You can opine about this one even if you are not currently taking BarBri...

Ya know how practice questions tend to use commonly recognized names in fact patterns?? Well, BarBri is notorious for doing that, and I have a habbit of picturing the famous characters named engaging in the activities described in the question. Its only natural.

Is anyone else deeply disturbed by the image (found in Q1-35 of intermediate Crim Law multistate practice questions) of Barney Rubble sneaking into Fred Flintstone's garage to commit statutory rape with Pebbles on the front seat of Fred's car?? And Pebbles, that little hussy, steals the fuzzy dice from Fred's rear view mirror as a trophy!

Ummmmm.........YUCK! C'mon BarBri, did you really have to RUIN the Flintstones for me? You could have used the names of ANYONE in the history of television shows NOT primarily geared for the viewing enjoyment of children, let alone a freakin cartoon! Well, I guess it did the trick, cuz I got the question right, and I'm certainly not gonna forget that Pebbles' conduct constituted larceny, and that Barney did not commit common law burglary of the garage or car (1) because it was not a dwelling, and (2) because he gained entry with the key that Fred gave him- there was no "breaking".