According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Make me Proud, DETROIT!!!

It is no mystery where I am from. Although I am a proud resident of New York City now and indefinately, I will always fly my Detroit Flag, as that place will forever be my home. Unfortunately, it took Superbowl 2006 being held in my beloved hometown before we could get a little bit of respect, but it has finally happend.....

The New York Times has given DETROIT a Rave Review!!!

"...there is a lingering sense of melancholy, but also one of titillation, a bit like what one feels in East Berlin: it is not exactly lovely, and it's been battered and bruised, but the wellsprings of bourgeois abandon that are emerging on the other side of the hard times are exhilarating to experience, if simply for the unlikeliness that they exist there at all."

Friends that are lucky enough to be in Detroit this weekend, MAKE ME PROUD!!