According to Talia

What you need to know, straight from the source: Ms. Talia Page

Monday, November 07, 2005

Scenes from the Office #1

I have been inspired to start a new recurring segment to According to Talia entitled: "Scenes from the office" in which I intend to share with you actual quotes and scenes from my office.

To protect the innocent, there will be no names used, and only vague descriptions when necessary, but I promise, you will be amused. I swear, this stuff can only be attributed to MY LIFE!

The quote that inspired me today spoken between two female part-time employees. Both of whom are over the age of 70, and both very sweet women:

Mrs X: No, seriously, Mrs. Y, if you need the toilet paper, I'll pick it up for you on the way home. They have the Charmin on sale at the corner.

Mrs Y: (who is hard of hearing, being significantly older than Mrs. X) The what? Charbert? What's that? I don't need any of that!

Mrs. X: (Now shouting although her normal tone of voice is a slight shout because she, too, is hard of hearing) CHARMIN! You know, the stuff you wipe your ass with!

Mrs. Y: (Now visibly excited by the prospect) Oh Oh! Yeah, I always need toilet paper!