The gates are similar to the umbrellas along the grapevine near L.A. Christo is a wacko. when he did the umbrella project some poor lady got killed when the high winds knocked over an umbrella and crushed her. Of course he wasn't held responsible. Frankly I'm amazed he had the guts to show his face back in the states. I guess everybody forgot about the victim from his last work of art. If you can call it art! The real art is the landscape not some cheesy accessories. Who needs him?
It sounds like these "artists" are using the guise of "art" to wreak havoc on those who have been duped into coming down and seeing their glorified garden decorations. As far as I know, noone in NY has been killed by the Gates, but many have incurred damage to their eyesight from the glare off the orange plastic apparatuses at high noon! AND I for one will never get back the 20 minutes that I wasted going to see them and am, as a result, worse off than I would have been had I steered clear. PPPPTHTTTHHH to the whole deal is what I say!
Once upon a time there was a funny looking little kid from Detroit who wanted to go to law school and be famous. Fast forward 20 years and here I am, with NY Bar under my belt and ready to take over the world!!
At 10:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
At 10:54 PM ,
Matt Black said...
At 1:51 PM ,
Talia said...
At 10:40 PM ,
Anonymous said...