Sticks and stones...
Sticks and stones my break my bones, but CHUNK will NEVER hurt me! We have ALL gone through some less than cute (to say the least) phases throughout our lives. We have ALL been 8 or 9 or 13 even, and at those times when our breast buds are growing, our facial hair is sprouting, and our teeth are deciding just exactly where they would like to be situated, we are just a work in progress. I dare to say that those of us, whose "phases" were longer, or more trying than others had more work done by nature, by dermatologists or by orthodontists, and therefore had much more polished, perfected final products. Those who bawk at the "ugly duckling" are merely jealous that they, themselves, have not had the opportunity to become a swan! Ducks are, after all, a pretty much the same boring unattactive birds in the beginning of their lives and at the end, whereas that swan, will be remembered eternally FOR HER SPECTACULAR AND BREATH-TAKING TRANSFORMATION!
At 4:14 PM ,
Talia said...